Hannah Sleep Therapist


What do you get when you combine a professional nanny from the Eastern-suburbs of Sydney with an obsession with sleep?


You get me ― 

Hannah Camillo, the founder of My Sleep Nanny and a certified infant & child sleep therapist.

I help career-driven mums (like you) confidently establish healthy sleep boundaries for your baby ― without having to rifle through 12 baby sleep books or wade through all the conflicting advice on Google. 

Because when you’re already rocking a restless baby and trying to run your household with only 4 hours of sleep ― there’s no way you have the time or the brainpower to do all that research!

My Sleep Nanny Story

After working in childcare & kindergartens for 4 years and being a professional nanny for 9, I saw that sleep was the number one hot topic in almost every household I nannied for.

From this experience, I saw there was a huge underlying problem around the (lack of) knowledge families had around sleep. 

So I decided to roll up my sleeves, go back to school, and study to become a certified infant & child sleep therapist. 

And now, I’ve made it my mission to give parents the tools, techniques, and foundation they need to confidently set successful sleep boundaries for their baby!

Uncomplicated Sleep Advice

So if you’re dreaming of a sleep therapist who can take you by the hand and create a personalised sleeping plan for your little one that will: 

  • Improve their quality of sleep 

  • Extend their nap times and get them sleeping through the night 

  • And even give your baby the confidence to sleep with minimal parental intervention (yes, it’s possible!)

Then you’re in the right place!